Red Door Acupuncture practices acupuncture and Chinese Medicine on both adults and children for a wide range of health issues. Chinese Medicine is one of the oldest practiced medicines in the world. It is a results-based medicine that has helped millions of people over 3000+ years. Any symptom one has can be translated into a Chinese medical diagnosis and treated accordingly.
Acupuncture uses single-use, sterilized, stainless steel disposable needles. There are over 300 acu-points on the body and acupuncturists choose a point combination specific to each individual. The needles are very fine (hair like) and do not elicit much, if any, pain. Rather, needled acu-points should feel a heavy, slightly achy sensation when the needle accesses the qi (chi). Qi is the bodies life-force and vital energy. Qi runs through a circuit of channels called meridians. All the meridians are connected and qi is meant to flow smoothly and uninterrupted throughout these channels. Stressors in life interrupt this qi mechanism causing stagnations that lead to disharmonies and eventually dis-ease. Acupuncture at its root is all about re-establishing the free flow of qi. According to ancient texts, where there is free flow, there can be no disharmonies.
Stressors that affect and interrupt this qi mechanism include stress (#1), over-work, too much or too little exercise, poor diet, lack of sleep, emotional upset, environmental toxins, etc. The long term effects of these stressors left untreated is what leads to dis-ease. These dis-eases can affect us both internally and externally and manifest different for every person based on each individual constitution, history and tendencies. Regular acupuncture treatments can give your body the balancing it needs to manage these stressors; not allowing them to manifest into physical symptoms and to give us an overall sense of well-being. Most often we can help ourselves by making lifestyle changes and better choices, however most people won’t or can’t make all the changes necessary to remove all stress from their lives, so a treatment plan does include diet suggestions and other recommendations to go along with regular acupuncture treatments to facilitate faster healing.
The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes acupuncture and its effectiveness in treating many conditions, such as:
Arthritis, Carpal Tunnel, Fibromyalgia, Pain (any kind), Sciatica, Tennis, Elbow, Tooth Pain, TMJ, Gout, etc.
Asthma, Bronchitis, Sinusitis, Pneumonia, Cold & Flu, etc.
Colitis/Diverticulitis, Constipation/IBS, Dysentery, Indigestion, Chronic Phlegm issues, Acid Reflux, Nausea, etc.
Migraines, Neuropathy, Bell's Palsy, Tinnitus (ear ringing), etc.
Amenorrhea, Menopause, Infertility, PMS, Prolonged Labor, Morning Sickness, Breech Babies, Prolapse, etc.
Depression, Dizziness, Stress, Anxiety, Psycho-emotional issues, Insomnia, etc.
Addiction, Diabetes, Incontinence, Herpes/Shingles, Anti-aging (see Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture), etc.
Often times a combination of acupuncture and herbs are necessary for most effective course of treatment. Chinese medicine also includes the use of moxabustion, cupping, gwa sha, tui na, electro-stimulation and possibly even some deliberate bleeding techniques. All techniques will be explained prior to treatment and treatment will discontinue at any time if the patient is too uncomfortable. Each treatment is tailored specifically for each individual and each person responds at their own pace and has their own experience. The main side effect of any treatment is a tremendous sense of relaxation and this is true for most everyone and is most noticeable after first treatment.
The most important thing about Chinese medicine is that it is designed to find and treat the root cause of any condition to resolve the issue. We will seek to rid the body of whatever is causing the symptom, not just mask it so you feel better. A symptom is a sign of some disharmony in the body and masking it with medication does not make you well – it just makes you feel like you are better. The goal of acupuncture is to make you well.
Finally, you should let your practitioner know:
Use of acupuncture and Chinese Medicine is a safe, natural, effective way to manage just about any health
concern you have. This medicine is best used as a regular part of a maintenance program to help you live
a more comfortable, balanced life. Acupuncture can give your body what it needs to manage and
prevent long-term health risks.
Start Feeling Better Today!!!
Initial Visit (1.5 hours) - $150
Follow-up Visits (1 hour) - $100
*Call for Facial Rejuvenation pricing details
9419 Dixie Highway, Clarkston, Michigan 48348, United States
Tina Lee DiplOM, LAc. By Appointment (248) 520-1222
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